虽然过了六个月了,但是思念还是牢牢的捆住我脆弱的心..时而狠狠的扎我几下...很痛很痛...昨晚上的星空很美,黑丝布制成的衣裳上坠上了几粒黄宝石.....刚从christmas night离开,与朋友到沙滩散心....迎面而来的晚feng,脚踩着柔柔的沙,但没有海浪......海浪呢?算了,没心情去追究...抬头仰望,哇....星星啊..!好久没有看过海边的星星了..果然跟我家里看的星星不同...有一点点瘦瘦黄黄的...不知怎么回事,嘴里会哼着这首不熟悉的歌...
"Do you ever think about me?
Do you ever cry yourself to sleep?
In the middle of the night when you awake
are you calling out for me?
Do you ever reminisce?
I cant believe I'am acting like this
I know it's crazy
How I still can feel your kiss?
It's been six months, eight days, twelve hours since you went away
I miss you so much
And I don't know what to say
I should be over you
I should know better
But it's just not the case
It's been six months,eight days,twelve hours since you went away
Do oyu ever ask about me
Do your friends still tell you what to do
Everytime the pone rings
Do you wish it was me callin' you
Do you still feel the same
Or has time put out the flame
I miss you
Is everything ok
It's hard enough just passing the time
When I cant't seem to get you off my mind
And where is the good in googbye
Tell me why, tell me why....."